Basic BAPTIST Chapel Singles, 625 Magdalena Ave
TRINITY BAPTIST Chapel Men and women MINISTRY, 557 Olivina Ave. Livermore. 4 categories to have single people with the Vacations, 9:30am. 1. Youngsters. 2. Age group X. step 3. Median decades single men and women. 4. Earlier American singles.925-447-1848.
CATHOLIC Divorced, WIDOWED, & Split Regarding CONTRA COSTA State. Despair recovery communities. Single men and women ministry, courses, sanctuary. 925-680-8510, ext. 202 otherwise 925-671-9339.

LUCY’S CATHOLIC Church Single people FELLOWSHIP, 2350 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell. Age forties and you can 50s . 3rd Fridays, 6:45- 9pm, catered eating ($) and you can musical, guest audio speaker, discussion several months, treat, and you may communication. Also movies, nature hikes, and you may online game night. . Skills range: -4183.
LAFAYETTE ORINDA PRESBYTERIAN Chapel (LOPC) Single people, 49 Knox Dr., Lafayette, -8722. Audio system and you can Public, second Weekends, 7pm. Also Splitting up Healing classification, Single Parents Category, golf, walking, single men and women toastmasters, plenty of activities and people.